About Us

Timeless Design

Over centuries high quality wood products made by skilled craftsmen, proud of their craft, produced items that are still adorning homes hundreds of years after they were produced. Our aim is still the same, design items in such a way that they are exceptional quality, not only functional, but aesthetically pleasing.  We want every piece we make to be a delightful and valued piece with purpose.

Quality, not Quantity

Made to last not only a lifetime, but indefinitely with care. Nothing we make is ever mass produced or made on an assembly line – which is why some things take a bit of time even though we do use modern tools. Each piece of furniture we make is hand made in New Zealand by skilled craftsmen with decades of experience and who take pride in every item produced. With proper care, each piece of furniture can last literally hundreds of years and easily become the sought-after antiques of tomorrow.

We do not have assembly lines, we do not make hundreds of stock items, we do not assume one size fits all and we do not make disposable pieces. Every-one deserves to own a unique high-quality item that matches their own aesthetic taste and serves the exact purpose they desire. That is why we make custom pieces – Even in everyday items there are elements that make every item a custom piece that was purposely commissioned for a reason.

macrocarpa clothes horse customwood auckland

Renewable products made of renewable material.

Our pieces are made to last, but since it’s 99.9% natural wood, everything is also greatly biodegradable and can be returned to nature easily. All our wood is sourced locally from local sawmills that mill locally grown trees that are managed to be truly renewable and live up to New Zealand’s high standards.

Voluntary Simplicity

Combating the costs of our disposable society is a major challenge, but there are ways to fight back. Well designed, simple, and high-quality items are not only cost effective lasting longer but serving a deeper purpose of fulfilment in owning a custom-made item that is simply made to be pleasing and functional.


Macrocarpa is native to Southern California but was brought to New Zealand in the 1860’s.  Most Macrocarpa used in furniture today is claimed from old shelter belts and used lots.  It is a durable and beautiful wood, made to be long lasting, durable and aesthetically pleasing.